Manual Test Case Examples

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  1. Manual Test Case Examples For Login Page
  2. Manual Test Case Writing
  3. Writing Test Cases For Software
  4. How To Write Test Case
  5. Qa Test Case Examples
  6. Manual Test Case Examples For Web Applications

What is a Test Case?

A Test Case is defined as a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of the software application. A test case is an indispensable component of the Software Testing LifeCycle that helps validate the AUT (Application Under Test).

Best Practice for writing good Test Case Example. Test Cases need to be simple and transparent: Create test cases that are as simple as possible. They must be clear and concise as the author of the test case may not execute them. Use assertive language like go to the home page, enter data, click on this and so on.

Test Scenario Vs Test Case

  • Many organizations create test cases in Microsoft Excel while some in Microsoft Word. Some even use test management tools like HP ALM to document their test cases. Click Below to download Test Case XLS. Download Test Case Template(.xls) Irrespective of the test case documentation method chosen, any good test case template must have the.
  • Test Scenarios Examples Below is the list of test scenarios that are frequently asked in software testing interviews. In these test scenario examples, we are covering scenarios related to UI, functionality, non-functional requirements as well as negative test scenarios.
  • Nov 19, 2013  In this software testing tutorial, I explain the importance of test case, what is a test case, inputs for writing test cases, test case syntax (test case format) like test case ID, test case steps.
  • Test Scenario. Test Strategy. Traceability Matrix. Career Advice. Top Reasons being QA. Myths Breaker. How to write a good CV. Interview Tips and Tricks. At the Interview. Interview Tips. General Questions. Ideal Tester. Technical Direction. Management Direction.

Test scenarios are rather vague and cover a wide range of possibilities. Testing is all about being very specific.

For a Test Scenario: Check Login Functionality there many possible test cases are:

  • Test Case 1: Check results on entering valid User Id & Password
  • Test Case 2: Check results on entering Invalid User ID & Password
  • Test Case 3: Check response when a User ID is Empty & Login Button is pressed, and many more

This is nothing but a Test Case.

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How to Create a Test Case

Let’s create a Test Case for the scenario: Check Login Functionality

Step 1) A simple test case for the scenario would be

Manual Test Case Examples For Login Page

Test Case #Test Case Description
1Check response when valid email and password is entered
Step 2) In order to execute the test case, you would need Test Data. Adding it below
Test Case #Test Case DescriptionTest Data
1Check response when valid email and password is enteredEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h

Identifying test data can be time-consuming and may sometimes require creating test data afresh. The reason it needs to be documented.

Step 3) In order to execute a test case, a tester needs to perform a specific set of actions on the AUT. This is documented as below:
Test Case #Test Case DescriptionTest StepsTest Data
1Check response when valid email and password is entered

1) Enter Email Address

2) Enter Password

3) Click Sign in

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h

Many times the Test Steps are not simple as above, hence they need documentation. Also, the author of the test case may leave the organization or go on a vacation or is sick and off duty or is very busy with other critical tasks. A recently hire may be asked to execute the test case. Documented steps will help him and also facilitate reviews by other stakeholders.

Step 4) The goal of test cases is to check behavior the AUT for an expected result. This needs to be documented as below
Test Case #Test Case DescriptionTest DataExpected Result
1Check response when valid email and password is enteredEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Password: lNf9^Oti7^2h
Login should be successful

During test execution time, the tester will check expected results against actual results and assign a pass or fail status

Test Case #Test Case DescriptionTest DataExpected ResultActual ResultPass/Fail
1Check response when valid email and password is enteredEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Password: lNf9^Oti7^2hLogin should be successfulLogin was successfulPass

Step 5) That apart your test case -may have a field like, Pre - Condition which specifies things that must in place before the test can run. For our test case, a pre-condition would be to have a browser installed to have access to the site under test. A test case may also include Post - Conditions which specifies anything that applies after the test case completes. For our test case, a postcondition would be time & date of login is stored in the database

The format of Standard Test Cases

Below is a format of a standard login Test case
Test Case IDTest ScenarioTest StepsTest DataExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/Fail
TU01Check Customer Login with valid Data
  1. Go to site
  2. Enter UserId
  3. Enter Password
  4. Click Submit
Userid = guru99 Password = pass99User should Login into an applicationAs ExpectedPass
TU02Check Customer Login with invalid Data
  1. Go to site
  2. Enter UserId
  3. Enter Password
  4. Click Submit
Userid = guru99 Password = glass99User should not Login into an applicationAs ExpectedPass

This entire table may be created in Word, Excel or any other Test management tool. That's all to Test Case Design

While drafting a test case to include the following information

  • The description of what requirement is being tested
  • The explanation of how the system will be tested
  • The test setup like a version of an application under test, software, data files, operating system, hardware, security access, physical or logical date, time of day, prerequisites such as other tests and any other setup information pertinent to the requirements being tested
  • Inputs and outputs or actions and expected results
  • Any proofs or attachments
  • Use active case language
  • Test Case should not be more than 15 steps
  • An automated test script is commented with inputs, purpose and expected results
  • The setup offers an alternative to pre-requisite tests
  • With other tests, it should be an incorrect business scenario order

Best Practice for writing good Test Case Example.

1. Test Cases need to be simple and transparent:

Manual Test Case Examples

Create test cases that are as simple as possible. They must be clear and concise as the author of the test case may not execute them.

Use assertive language like go to the home page, enter data, click on this and so on. This makes the understanding the test steps easy and tests execution faster.

2. Create Test Case with End User in Mind

The ultimate goal of any software project is to create test cases that meet customer requirements and is easy to use and operate. A tester must create test cases keeping in mind the end user perspective

3. Avoid test case repetition.

Do not repeat test cases. If a test case is needed for executing some other test case, call the test case by its test case id in the pre-condition column

4. Do not Assume

Do not assume functionality and features of your software application while preparing test case. Stick to the Specification Documents.

5. Ensure 100% Coverage

Make sure you write test cases to check all software requirements mentioned in the specification document. Use Traceability Matrix to ensure no functions/conditions is left untested.

6. Test Cases must be identifiable.

Name the test case id such that they are identified easily while tracking defects or identifying a software requirement at a later stage.

7. Implement Testing Techniques

It's not possible to check every possible condition in your software application. Software Testing techniques help you select a few test cases with the maximum possibility of finding a defect.

  • Boundary Value Analysis (BVA): As the name suggests it's the technique that defines the testing of boundaries for a specified range of values.
  • Equivalence Partition (EP): This technique partitions the range into equal parts/groups that tend to have the same behavior.
  • State Transition Technique: This method is used when software behavior changes from one state to another following particular action.
  • Error Guessing Technique: This is guessing/anticipating the error that may arise while doing manual testing. This is not a formal method and takes advantages of a tester's experience with the application

8. Self-cleaning

The test case you create must return the Test Environment to the pre-test state and should not render the test environment unusable. This is especially true for configuration testing.

9. Repeatableand self-standing

The test case should generate the same results every time no matter who tests it

10. Peer Review.

After creating test cases, get them reviewed by your colleagues. Your peers can uncover defects in your test case design, which you may easily miss.

Test Case Management Tools

Test management tools are the automation tools that help to manage and maintain the Test Cases. Main Features of a test case management tool are

  1. For documenting Test Cases: With tools, you can expedite Test Case creation with use of templates
  2. Execute the Test Case and Record the results: Test Case can be executed through the tools and results obtained can be easily recorded.
  3. Automate the Defect Tracking: Failed tests are automatically linked to the bug tracker, which in turn can be assigned to the developers and can be tracked by email notifications.
  4. Traceability: Requirements, Test cases, Execution of Test cases are all interlinked through the tools, and each case can be traced to each other to check test coverage.
  5. Protecting Test Cases: Test cases should be reusable and should be protected from being lost or corrupted due to poor version control. Test Case Management Tools offer features like
  • Naming and numbering conventions
  • Versioning
  • Read-only storage
  • Controlled access
  • Off-site backup

Popular Test Management tools are: Quality Center and JIRA


  • Please note that the template used will vary from project to project. Read this tutorial to Learn Test Case Template with Explanation of Important Fields

A good Test Case template maintains test artifact consistency for the test team and makes it easy for all stakeholders to understand the test cases. Writing test case in a standard format lessen the test effort and the error rate. Test cases format are more desirable in case if you are reviewing test case from experts.

Pong Game Welcome to, In this site, you can find many free versions of the game, one of the first video games ever created. In the game below, use the mouse or keyboard K and M keys to control the paddle, the first player to get 10 points will win the game. Dec 11, 2014  This is the audio/video output from a.real. Syzygy (Atari) 1972 PONG arcade game circuit board. There are many videos on YouTube of things saying they are Pong, but those just aren't. Ping pong video games background. Tiny Tennis Fun. Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a game in which two or four players hit a little, light ball back and forth across a table using a small paddle.A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball to the other player. Basically, you’re playing tiny tennis on a table. Pong is one of the earliest arcade video games.It is a table tennis sports game featuring simple two-dimensional graphics. The game was originally manufactured by Atari, which released it in 1972. Allan Alcorn created Pong as a training exercise assigned to him by Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell.Bushnell based the idea on an electronic ping-pong game included in the Magnavox Odyssey; Magnavox.

The template chosen for your project depends on your test policy. Many organizations create test cases in Microsoft Excel while some in Microsoft Word. Some even use test management tools like HP ALM to document their test cases.

Manual Test Case Writing

Click Below to download Test Case XLS

Irrespective of the test case documentation method chosen, any good test case template must have the following fields

Test Case FieldDescription
Test case ID:
  • Each test case should be represented by a unique ID. To indicate test types follow some convention like 'TC_UI_1' indicating 'User Interface Test Case#1.'
Test Priority:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
Name of the Module:
  • Determine the name of the main module or sub-module being tested
Test Designed by:
  • Tester's Name
Date of test designed:
  • Date when test was designed
Test Executed by:
  • Who executed the test- tester
Date of the Test Execution:
  • Date when test needs to be executed
Name or Test Title:
  • Title of the test case
Description/Summary of Test:
  • Determine the summary or test purpose in brief
  • Any requirement that needs to be done before execution of this test case. To execute this test case list all pre-conditions
  • Determine any dependencies on test requirements or other test cases
Test Steps:
  • Mention all the test steps in detail and write in the order in which it requires to be executed. While writing test steps ensure that you provide as much detail as you can
Test Data:
  • Use of test data as an input for the test case. Deliver different data sets with precise values to be used as an input
Expected Results:
  • Mention the expected result including error or message that should appear on screen
  • What would be the state of the system after running the test case?
Actual Result:
  • After test execution, actual test result should be filled
Status (Fail/Pass):
  • Mark this field as failed, if actual result is not as per the estimated result
  • If there are some special condition which is left in above field

Writing Test Cases For Software

Optionally you can have the following fields depending on the project requirements

How To Write Test Case

  • Link / Defect ID: Include the link for Defect or determine the defect number if test status is fail
  • Keywords / Test Type: To determine tests based on test types this field can be used. Eg: Usability, functional, business rules, etc.
  • Requirements: Requirements for which this test case is being written
  • References / Attachments: It is useful for complicated test scenarios, give the actual path of the document or diagram
  • Automation ( Yes/No): To track automation status when test cases are automated
  • Custom Fields: Fields particular your project being tested due to client/project requirements.

Qa Test Case Examples

Test Case Template

Click below to download Test Case Excel File

Manual Test Case Examples For Web Applications

Click below to download Test Case Word File