Microsoft Silent Install Switches

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May 02, 2017  Windows Setup Command-Line Options.; 14 minutes to read +8; In this article. The following command-line options are available for Windows Setup. Beginning with Windows 10, version 1607, you can use a setupconfig file as an alternative to. How to install a.MSI file unattended. Typically this installation will not show any user interaction or verbose logging. Combine with the Full MSI Syntax options as listed below to output installation progress to a log file. Other installation considerations - passive mode Another great option to consider is using the /passive parameter. The following table identifies the standard command-line options for this program. Command-line options are case insensitive. Windows Installer 2.0: The command-line options that are identified in this topic are available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0. The Windows Installer Command-Line Options are available with Windows Installer 3.0 and earlier versions. Jan 18, 2018  Is there way to silent install O365.exe simply??Never did it and tried some switches and not getting anywhere lolCMD c:path of file'setup.x64.en-usO356ProPlusRetaile. SOLVED Office O365 Silent Unattended Install - Spiceworks. Hi, I have tried Power BI silent installation using 'msiexec /i PBIDesktopx64.msi /qn /norestart ACCEPTEULA=1' for latest version 2.60.5169.3201 but it gets failed every single time with EVENTLog:'Product: Microsoft Power BI Desktop (x64) - EULA has not been accepted while executing the installation in reduced UI mode. Silently Install Office 2016. With PDQ Deploy you can get your deployment underway in moments. First, create a new package. (File New Package or Ctrl + N). By default, an install step is available. Put in the setup.exe file for the Install File; Add silent parameters. For Office 2016 that would be.

Microsoft Silent Install Switches

# Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Package from Command Line


The Guide frequently provides page number references to the Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian Manual for further information. The Student's Guide works with the Windows Help Reader already installed on your system. This provides the ease of navigation of a Web site with the formatting precision of the Windows Help system. Free chicago style template.

You may think that unless you explicitly use some external library (like FMOD), your program will not require any additional libraries to work, but when coding in C++ using Visual Studio, this is not the case. The functions of standard C/C++ library are implemented in a package of DLL-s called Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package. Each version of Visual Studio has their own set. For example, version for Visual Studio 2013 (Release configuration) consists of files: msvcr120.dll, msvcp120.dll.

You can make your application not requiring this library by setting your project options in Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library to 'Multi-threaded [Debug]' without the 'DLL' part, which makes it statically linked. Alternatively, you can distribute these DLL files (although I'm not sure if this is legal) or the whole library installer together with your application. The library is small and free, available to download from Microsoft website:

  • 2008 SP1: x86, x64
  • 2010 SP1: x86, x64
  • 2012 Update 4 (all versions)
  • 2013 (all versions)
  • 2015 Update 3 (all versions)

The question is: can you launch the installer of these packages with some special parameter so the user doesn't have to go through all the setup wizard, confirming each step? The answer is yes, but as Microsoft likes to change everything very often :) the exact command line is different depending on version. Here is the whole set:

Visual Studio 2005 (original one):

Visual Studio 2005, x86 (32-bit version):
vcredist_x86.exe /q:a /c:'VCREDI~1.EXE /q:a /c:'msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn'
Visual Studio 2005, x64 (64-bit version):
vcredist_x64.exe /q:a /c:'VCREDI~2.EXE /q:a /c:'msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn' '
Visual Studio 2005 SP1, x86:
vcredist_x86.exe /q:a /c:'VCREDI~3.EXE /q:a /c:'msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn' '
Visual Studio 2005 SP1, x64:
vcredist_x64.exe /q:a /c:'VCREDI~2.EXE /q:a /c:'msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn' '

If you would like to install it in unattended mode (which will show a small progress bar but not require any user interaction), you can change the '/qn' switch above to '/qb'. Unattended mode + disabled 'Cancel' button is '/qb!'.

Visual Studio 2005 (updated - the one I use):

/Q - quiet mode

Visual Studio 2008: Just pass one of these parameters:

/q - quiet mode, no user interface.
/qb - unattended mode, shows progress bar but no user interaction required.
/qb! - unattended mode with 'Cancel' button disabled.

Married couple game night. May 02, 2017  Game night with #IDO watch couple compete for prizes and bragging rights. Game night with #IDO watch couple compete for prizes and bragging rights. Aug 03, 2019  A couples game night can be the perfect way for you and your partner to unwind after a fun date or a long day. Game nights offers a not only a chance for new experiences, but also quality time to bond with each other.

Visual Studio 2010 and 2012:

Silent Install Switches For Msi

/q /norestart - quiet mode
/passive /norestart - passive (unattended) mode

Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017:

/install /quiet /norestart - quiet mode
/install /passive /norestart - passive (unattended) mode

To quickly install all of these libraries on the machines where lots of different applications are launched that may require them, I gathered all the libraries in one directory and I have written following BAT script:

Update: I also prepared a full package with my script and 'pirated' copy of all these installers for your convenience: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (105 MB).

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The executable program that interprets packages and installs products is Msiexec.exe.



Msiexec also sets an error level on return that corresponds to System Error Codes.

The following table identifies the standard command-line options for this program. Command-line options are case insensitive.

Msi Silent Install

Windows Installer 2.0: The command-line options that are identified in this topic are available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0. The Windows Installer Command-Line Options are available with Windows Installer 3.0 and earlier versions.

/helpHelp and quick reference option. Displays the correct usage of the setup command including a list of all switches and behavior. The description of usage can be displayed in the user interface. Incorrect use of any option invokes this help option.
Example: msiexec /help
The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is /?.

/quietQuiet display option. The installer runs an installation without displaying a user interface. No prompts, messages, or dialog boxes are displayed to the user. The user cannot cancel the installation. Use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options to control reboots. If no reboot options are specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user.
msiexec /package Application.msi /quiet
Msiexec /uninstall Application.msi /quiet
Msiexec /update msipatch.msp /quiet
Msiexec /uninstall msipatch.msp /package Application.msi / quiet
The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is /qn.

/passivePassive display option. The installer displays a progress bar to the user that indicates that an installation is in progress but no prompts or error messages are displayed to the user. The user cannot cancel the installation. Use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options to control reboots. If no reboot option is specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user.
Example: msiexec /package Application.msi /passive
The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is /qb!- with REBOOTPROMPT=S set on the command line.

/norestartNever restart option. The installer never restarts the computer after the installation.
Example: msiexec /package Application.msi /norestart
The equivalent Windows Installer command line has REBOOT=ReallySuppress set on the command line.

/forcerestartAlways restart option. The installer always restarts the computer after every installation.
Example: msiexec /package Application.msi /forcerestart
The equivalent Windows Installer command line has REBOOT=Force set on the command line.

/promptrestartPrompt before restarting option. Displays a message that a restart is required to complete the installation and asks the user whether to restart the system now. This option cannot be used together with the /quiet option.
The equivalent Windows Installer command line has REBOOTPROMPT = ' set on the command line.

/uninstallUninstall product option. Uninstalls a product.
The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is /x.
