Using Sftp In Windows

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With little effort, you can use the Windows FTP client to manage all your FTP needs. You might find third-party tools' user-friendly interfaces easier to use than the Windows FTP client, but the Windows command-line tool is perfect for occasional FTP users who have the time and interest in learning how to use it. Jan 09, 2017  Since you wish to transfer a file from linux to Windows using SFTP, I'd say put the OpenSSH server on the Linux box. It will be many thousands of times easier. Then you'll still have to figure out a client for the Windows side of things, but at least the server will be done the easy way.

Microsoft announced it was bringing an integrated OpenSSH client to Windows in 2015. They’ve finally done it, and an SSH client is hidden in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update. You can now connect to an Secure Shell server from Windows without installing PuTTY or any other third-party software.

Update:The built-in SSH client is now enabled by default in Windows 10’s April 2018 Update. Here’s how to get the update if you don’t already have it on your PC.

PuTTY may still have more features. According to the project’s bug tracker on GitHub, the integrated SSH client only supports ed25519 keys at the moment.

How to Install Windows 10’s SSH Client

RELATED:What’s New in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, Available Now

The SSH client is a part of Windows 10, but it’s an “optional feature” that isn’t installed by default.

To install it, head to Settings > Apps and click “Manage optional features” under Apps & features.

Click “Add a feature” at the top of the list of installed features. If you already have the SSH client installed, it will appear in the list here.

Scroll down, click the “OpenSSH Client (Beta)” option, and click “Install”.

Windows 10 also offers an OpenSSH server, which you can install if you want to run an SSH server on your PC. You should only install this if you actually want to run a server on your PC and not just connect to a server running on another system.

How to Use Windows 10’s SSH Client

You can now use the SSH client by running the ssh command. This works in either a PowerShell window or a Command Prompt window, so use whichever you prefer.

To quickly open a PowerShell window, right-click the Start button or press Windows+X and choose “Windows PowerShell” from the menu.

To view the syntax of the ssh command, just run it:

If you see an error message saying the command isn’t found, you will need to sign out and sign in again. Rebooting your PC will also work. This shouldn’t be necessary, but this is a beta feature.

RELATED:How to Connect to an SSH Server from Windows, macOS, or Linux

This command works the same as connecting to an SSH server via the ssh command on other operating systems like macOS or Linux. Its syntax, or command line options, are the same.

For example, to connect to an SSH server at with the username “bob”, you’d run:

By default, the command attempts to connect to an SSH server running on port 22, which is the default. However, you may need to connect to a server running on a different port. You do this by specifying a port with the -p switch. For example, if the server accepts connections on port 7777, you’d run:

As with other SSH clients, you’ll be prompted to accept the host’s key the first time you connect. You’ll then get a command-line environment you can use to run commands on the remote system.

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SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream. It was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an extension of the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) version 2.0 to provide secure file transfer capabilities.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions
FlowStandardAll Flow regions
PowerAppsStandardAll PowerApps regions

This connector is on its deprecation path, please use the new SFTP-SSH connector. Please read more how to use the new connector here.

To use this connector, you will need access to an SSH private key and the SSH private key passphrase.

The following private key formats are supported:

  • OpenSSH
  • PuTTY

The content of the SSH private key should be copied/pasted entirely into the “SSH private key” field in the multiline format. Below are sample steps how to provide the SSH private key using Notepad.exe:

  1. Open the SSH private key file in Notepad.exe;
  2. Click Edit → Select All;
  3. Click Edit → Copy;
  4. In the 'SSH private key' field (while creating a connection) click right mouse button and click Paste. Do not edit the 'SSH private key' field manually.

Trigger limits

The triggers work by polling the SFTP file system, and looking for any file which has been modified since the last poll. Certain tools allow the file modification time to be preserved. In such cases, you need to disable the feature for your trigger to work. Here are some common settings:

SFTP clientAction
WinSCPOptions → Preferences… → Transfer → Edit… → Preserve timestamp → Disable
FileZillaTransfer → Preserve timestamps of transferred files → Disable

Using Sftp In Windows Vista

When the triggers encounter a new file, it will try to ensure that the new file is completely written. For instance, it is possible that the file is being written or modified, and updates are being made at the time the trigger polled the file server. To avoid returning a file with partial content, the trigger will take note of the timestamp such files which are modified recently, but will not immediately return those files. Those files will be returned only when the trigger polls again. Sometimes, this may lead a delay up to twice the trigger polling interval.


The trigger doesn't pick up files over 50MB if the content is asked for.

Creating a connection

To connect your account, you will need the following information:

Host Server Address string

Host Server Address

User Name string

User Name

Password securestring


SSH private key securestring

SSH private key (the content of the file should be provided entirely as is, in the multiline format)

SSH private key passphrase securestring

SSH private key passphrase (if the private key is protected by a passphrase)

Port Number int

SFTP Port Number (example: 22)

Disable SSH Host Key Validation bool

Disable SSH Host Key Validation? (True/False)

SSH Host Key Finger-print string

SSH Host Key Finger-print

Disable Resume Capability bool

Disable Resume Capability? (True/False)

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection10060 seconds


Copy file

This operation copies a file to an SFTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was copied, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.

Create file

This operation uploads a file to an SFTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was created, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.

Delete file

This operation deletes a file.

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).

Get file content

This operation gets file contents using the file id.

Get file content using path

This operation gets file contents using the file path.

Get file metadata

This operation gets file metadata using the file id.

Get file metadata using path

This operation gets file metadata using the file path.

List files in folder

This operation gets files contained in a folder.

List files in root folder

This operation gets the files in the root folder.

Update file

This operation updates the file content. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was updated, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming recently updated file.

Copy file

This operation copies a file to an SFTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was copied, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.


source True string

Path to the source file

Destination file path
destination True string

Path to the destination file, including file name

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination file if set to 'true'


Blob metadata


Create file

This operation uploads a file to an SFTP server. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was created, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming newly created file.


folderPath True string

Unique path of the folder

File name
name True string

Name of the file

body True binary

Content of the file to create


Blob metadata


Delete file

This operation deletes a file.


id True string

Specify the file

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).


source True string

Path to the archive file

Destination folder path
destination True string

Path to the destination folder

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination files if set to 'true'


array of BlobMetadata

Get file content

This operation gets file contents using the file id.


id True string

Specify the file

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

Get file content using path

This operation gets file contents using the file path.


path True string

Unique path of the file

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

Get file metadata

This operation gets file metadata using the file id.


id True string

Specify the file


Blob metadata


Get file metadata using path

This operation gets file metadata using the file path.


path True string

Unique path of the file


Blob metadata


List files in folder

This operation gets files contained in a folder.

Hot wheels loop track. Mattel, one of the best known toy companies in the world, is decidedly late in the arena of computer gaming.


id True string

Specify the folder


array of BlobMetadata

List files in root folder

This operation gets the files in the root folder.


Update file

This operation updates the file content. If a file is being deleted/renamed on server right after it was updated, connector may return HTTP 404 error by it's design. Please use a delay for 1 minute before deleting or renaming recently updated file.


id True string

Specify the file

File content
body True binary

Content of the file to update


Sftp from windows to linux

Blob metadata


When a file is added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client.

When a file is added or modified [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger.

When a file is added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client.


Using Sftp Windows Explorer

folderId True string

Select a folder

Number of files to return from the trigger
maxFileCount integer

Max files count (1-100)


Blob metadata

When a file is added or modified [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger.


folderId True string

Specify a folder

Include file content
includeFileContent boolean

If set to true, file content will also be retrieved along with the trigger response

inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension

Using Sftp In Windows


The content of the file.

File Content



Blob metadata

Id string

The unique id of the file or folder.

Name string

The name of the file or folder.

DisplayName string

The display name of the file or folder.

Path string

The path of the file or folder.

LastModified date-time

The date and time the file or folder was last modified.

Size integer

The size of the file or folder.

MediaType string

The media type of the file or folder.

IsFolder boolean

A boolean value (true, false) to indicate whether or not the blob is a folder.

ETag string

The etag of the file or folder.

FileLocator string

The filelocator of the file or folder.